We are open to serve you, answer questions or schedule an appointment!
The hours of the office are as follows:
Monday- Thursday 8:00am - 3:00 p.m.
Some days varies until 4:30 p.m.
Fridays: 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. for emergencies only
Your scheduled appointment time has been reserved specifically for you. We request 24-hours notice if you need to cancel your appointment. We are aware that unforeseen events sometimes require missing an appointment. After missing your second appointment without notifying us 24 hours in advance, you are subject to being charged an additional fee.
Our office is committed to helping you maximize your insurance benefits. Because insurance policies vary, we can only estimate your coverage in good faith but cannot guarantee coverage due to the complexities of insurance contracts. We will arrive at a suitable down payment fee and monthly payments that work. We will file insurance claims for orthodontic treatment with any insurance company. Payment for our services is due at the time appliances are placed or treatment is started. Insurance benefits are paid directly to the insured individual. If you have any questions our courteous staff is always available to answer them.
Our Vision
We are unconditionally committed to excellence.
We are THE premier orthodontic team in the world and are dedicated to displaying that level of competence and personal attention to the community we serve.
We are unconditionally committed to an atmosphere of happiness and contentment.
We continually strive to be the best we can be, providing the ultimate in care and comfort to our fellow human beings and optimizing conditions of the world around us.
We are unconditionally committed to a pleasing, functional and efficient office that is fun to visit and a pleasure in which to work.